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Thursday, January 31, 2008
*Sniggers* Of course I remember you. Gillian, Bobo and Cecelia too! (还记得我吗)我叫陈冠希跟我念一遍 (还记得我吗)什麽大声点听不见 (还记得我吗)记得我的电影唱片杂志封面 (别忘记我的裸照片!) 还记得我吗还记得我吗... (还记得我吗)我叫陈冠希跟我念一遍 (还记得我吗)什麽大声点听不见 (还记得我吗)记得我的电影唱片杂志封面 (别忘记我的裸照片!) (还记得我吗)就算忘记你不可能看不见 大家好我叫陈冠希 我不知道我的名字 你有没有忘记 你还记得我吗还记得我吗 已经过了三年你们等得辛苦吗 好久不见难道忘了我吗 封神榜已经做完该我出场了吧 开场准备好了吗这是第一幕 已经比你快三步我不会重复 总之唱片公司已经属于我 时装品牌是我潮流听我 不理八卦杂志讽刺也是我 你问我潮流是甚么 我!没错就是我 我叫陈冠希跟我念一篇 什么大声点听不见 记得我的电影唱片杂志封面 就算忘记你不可能看不见 我知道你们都好奇 三年来冠希到底去了哪里 问我不如先让英皇告诉你 通常被雪藏的歌手会哭泣 选择逃避可我没放弃改了措施 在娱乐商场玩企业性游戏 随机应变但是仍有人在怀疑 我不会做生意? 我正在帮levis做设计 连代言都是我的 现在要你们请留意我的好莱坞演艺 当你害怕会忘记只要重复放这首歌 就会记得谁是陈冠希
posted by Stormtrooper's Lackey at 11:28 PM
Monday, January 28, 2008
Don't be misled by the title, I'm moaning due to the ache on my back, and not the asshole. In retrospect, "moaning" may not be such an appropriate word. Hmm.. I took the day off (again) to clean my room. I can hear some of you cursing and swearing at the seemingly never ending number days of leave I have. Truth is despite all your whining, it doesn't change the fact that I have 26 days of annual leave and you have much less than me. Enough of digressing, while this year's spring cleaning is less extensive than last year's, unfortunately that doesn't translate to a reduced toil on the body. As I'm typing this, my back muscles are doing a Mexican wave and the spasms are killing me. If I have known this, I would rather spend the New Year living in a dust mite infected room. Dear Mr. Back, please don't quit on me. I still want to be a papa! Shall keep this short since I've ran out of things to write about. It seems that I think with my back muscles. Random thoughts of the day Will I ever live to see the day when MacDonald starts selling pineapple tarts and chicken bak kwa?
posted by Stormtrooper's Lackey at 10:48 PM
Saturday, January 26, 2008
I have checked the date, and it's not April 1st. ![]() Honour sought for 'Soldier Bear' A campaign has been launched to build a permanent memorial to a bear which spent much of its life in Scotland - after fighting in World War II. The bear - named Voytek - was adopted in the Middle East by Polish troops in 1943, becoming much more than a mascot. The large animal even helped their armed forces to carry ammunition at the Battle of Monte Cassino. Voytek - known as the Soldier Bear - later lived near Hutton in the Borders and ended his days at Edinburgh Zoo. He was found wandering in the hills of Iran by Polish soldiers in 1943.
They adopted him and as he grew he was trained to carry heavy mortar rounds. When Polish forces were deployed to Europe the only way to take the bear with them was to "enlist" him. So he was given a name, rank and number and took part in the Italian campaign. He saw action at Monte Cassino before being billeted - along with about 3,000 other Polish troops - at the army camp in the Scottish Borders. The soldiers who were stationed with him say that he was easy to get along with. "He was just like a dog - nobody was scared of him," said Polish veteran Augustyn Karolewski, who still lives near the site of the camp.
"He liked a cigarette, he liked a bottle of beer - he drank a bottle of beer like any man." When the troops were demobilised, Voytek spent his last days at Edinburgh Zoo. Mr Karolewski went back to see him on a couple of occasions and found he still responded to the Polish language. "I went to Edinburgh Zoo once or twice when Voytek was there," he said. "And as soon as I mentioned his name he would sit on his backside and shake his head wanting a cigarette. "It wasn't easy to throw a cigarette to him - all the attempts I made until he eventually got one." Voytek was a major attraction at the zoo until his death in 1963. Eyemouth High School teacher Garry Paulin is now writing a new book, telling the bear's remarkable story. 'Totally amazing' Local campaigner Aileen Orr would like to see a memorial created at Holyrood to the bear she says was part of both the community and the area's history. She first heard about Voytek as a child from her grandfather, who served with the King's Own Scottish Borderers. "I thought he had made it up to be quite honest but it was only when I got married and came here that I knew in fact he was here, Voytek was here," she said. "When I heard from the community that so few people knew about him I began to actually research the facts. "It is just amazing, the story is totally amazing."
posted by Stormtrooper's Lackey at 1:49 PM
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Recently there have been a spate of songs with the title 《我不会唱歌》 (I can't sing). It's either the singers are being candid or they possess a sense of good-natured humor. Given the dearth in blogging ideas of late, I figure that doing a feature on these songs would be a decent space filler. So hit the music, fat boy!
The "I can't sing so well yet..but hey, look at my slick dance moves" version The "sibei touching lyrics" version The "you must be joking that you can't sing" version The "you ought to sing this song" version
posted by Stormtrooper's Lackey at 10:58 PM
Saturday, January 19, 2008
![]() It is just like your first love walking back into your life again...only this time round with bigger tits. Keegan... it was him and his philosophy of football that I fell head over heels for Newcastle United. Swashbuckling and throwing caution into the wind, he showed us that football can be so entertaining, so different from the dour affairs served up by the Italian teams. And it was also the insipid, long ball game that were served up by Keegan's successors (sans Sir Bobby Robson's reign) that made watching Newcastle games such a trying affair. Although we may not win any trophies under him, things will definitely be more exciting.
Only time will tell whether those tits are for real...
posted by Stormtrooper's Lackey at 12:22 AM
Sunday, January 13, 2008
If a year ago you have gone around telling the Iraqis that it will snow in their country, the Sunnis, Shiites and US troops would probably put aside their religious and political differences and unite in laughing at the absurdity of your claims. Not to mention uniting in raining bullets onto you after the disbelief wears off. Well, snow did indeed make an appearance this past week in Iraq...
Snow Day in the Sands of BaghdadBAGHDAD - The flakes melted quickly. But the smiles, wonder and excited story-swapping went on throughout the day: It snowed in Baghdad. The morning flurry Friday was the first in memory in the heart of the Iraqi capital. Perhaps more significant, however, was the rare ripple of delight through a city snarled by army checkpoints, divided by concrete walls and ravaged by sectarian killings. "For the first time in my life I saw a snow-rain like this falling in Baghdad," said Mohammed Abdul-Hussein, a 63-year-old retiree from the New Baghdad area. "When I was young, I heard from my father that such rain had fallen in the early '40s on the outskirts of northern Baghdad," Abdul-Hussein said, referring to snow as a type of rain. "But snow falling in Baghdad in such a magnificent scene was beyond my imagination." After weathering nearly five years of war, Baghdad residents thought they'd pretty much seen it all. But as muezzins were calling the faithful to prayer, the people here awoke to something certifiably new. Snow is common in the mountainous Kurdish areas of northern Iraq, but residents of the capital and surrounding areas could remember just hail. And that, only very occasionally. Summer temperatures in Baghdad are routinely a sweltering 120 degrees and winters generally mild. But this week has been unusually cold and blustery, with overnight temperatures more than 10 degrees below normal. On Thursday morning, the thermometer hovered around freezing after a low of 27, and the Baghdad airport closed because of low visibility. "I asked my mother, who is 80, whether she'd ever seen snow in Iraq before, and her answer was no," said Fawzi Karim, a 40-year-old father of five who runs a small restaurant in Hawr Rajab, a village six miles southeast of Baghdad. "This is so unusual, and I don't know whether or not it's a lesson from God," Karim said. Some said they'd seen snow only in movies. Talib Haider, a 19-year-old college student, said "a friend of mine called me at 8 a.m. to wake me up and tell me that the sky is raining snow." "I rushed quickly to the balcony to see a very beautiful scene," he said. "I tried to film it with my cell phone camera. This scene has really brought me joy. I called my other friends and the morning turned out to be a very happy one in my life." An Iraqi who works for The Associated Press said he woke his wife and children shortly after 7 a.m. to "have a look at this strange thing." He then called his brother and sister and found them awake, also watching the "cotton-like snow drops covering the trees." For a couple of hours anyway, a city where mortar shells routinely zoom across the Tigris River to the Green Zone became united as one big White Zone. There were no reports of bloodshed during the snowstorm. The snow showed no favoritism as it dusted neighborhoods Shiite and Sunni alike, faintly falling (with apologies to James Joyce) upon all the living and the dead. Copyright © 2008 Yahoo! Singapore Pte. Ltd. (Co. Reg. No. 199700735D). All Rights Reserved.So all of a sudden, Iraq seems to be a good destination to partake in some extreme snowboarding. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Closer to the local front, another strange news item has been making its round. The days of ordering Oyster Omelette without the oysters without having a ladle swung in your direction is finally here.
Fairly soon, you can also order Fried Rice without rice or Fishball noodle without fishballs without being whisk off to the mental institution with the guy who says Random Picture of the Day ![]() ![]() 四眼仔's 鸭脚包. The best food in KL.
posted by Stormtrooper's Lackey at 11:39 PM
Saturday, January 05, 2008
We went to The Cathay to catch a movie after work today. Sitting in a lover's seat, our shoulders barely separated during the screening. After the movie, we had a simple dinner before strolling together towards the bus stop. Even the bus journey lasted for about an hour, how I wished it would end.... BUT WAIT The above would be ideal if not for.... "We" in the above paragraph represented Ooof and myself. How the hell did we get assigned to a lover's seat is beyond belief. The movie viewed wasn't some lovey-dovey romcom. If you consider slit throats and severed fingers to be romantic, then this movie is for you. Oh, not to mention the family jewels of one Viggo Mortensen (aka Aragon). Dinner was indeed simple..simply cold. Moist Carls Junior burger with limp criss-cut fries, that was chilled for the entire duration of the show with the cool air of the cinema while packed in the container better known as my bag. The bus journey was long and arduous, but somehow provided a nice environment for me to doze off. How I wish the bus would just go on and on like the pesky Energizer battery so I need not get my fat ass off the bus. Enough bitching, I need to go and air my bag to rid it off the Carls Junior smell. Random Video of the Day 李泉 - 走鋼索的人
posted by Stormtrooper's Lackey at 12:05 AM
verbal ejaculation
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