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Thursday, July 29, 2004
A condensed version of thoughts that i developed over the past few days 1) Butt pinching A great transfer coup by Fat Fred and Sir Bobby, purchasing Nicky Butt for 2 Million pound must has rank high up as on of the greatest coup in the club's history. It's a steal considering that he is, or rather was an established member of Sven's England squad till the emergence of Frank Lampard. A slight misgiving about the transfer would be the added ammunition given to the press to mock at the club. So be prepared to see more headlines like " Newcastle falls flat on its Butt" in the near future. 2) Sven and Beck Now we know why Sven Goran Eriksson likes Beckham so much to install him as the team captain a few years back. Perhaps they got to know each other well enough at the Adultery Anonymous Club back then. 3) Sophomore Life Finally stepped back into the lecture theatre after close to 4 months hiatus. I wonder if i gotten dumber or the modules gotten more profound, can't seem to understand much of what is being taught in lectures today. The rumoured MacDonald had finally set up their business at Canteen A. New too are the Hall 9 Jap Food stall, a new Western stall and a new Indian stall. Haven't try the food there yet as i was put off by the length of the queues particularly that of the Jap stall. Will probably post a review when i managed to try the new stalls. On a sadder note, me and Hongbin's favourite Canteen B noodle stall is gone. We will always remember the fond memories of your Curry Chicken Noodle that has accompanied us through the nights of slogging through our AA101 project in Canteen B. Continuing with the sad sentiment from the previous paragraph, im no longer residing in hall 14. Im been dumped to hall 10,along with the countless of rejects from other halls. Life here is kind of quiet, certainly not as lively as my old hall. Hopefully i will make some new friends down here or not hall life will be a chore.
posted by Stormtrooper's Lackey at 10:06 PM
Tuesday, July 27, 2004
As the title hinted, i caught the korean movie Brotherhood recently and below are a few observations i made after watching it. 1) Is it worth fighting and risking innocent lives for your ideology? As depicted in the movie, the Communist North Korean were waging a war against their democracy loving southern neighbours. It got me thinking, whether holding onto one's ideology is really important to the extent of risking your or even innocent people's lives? It kinds of mirror what is happening in our world today. Terrorists are waging a war against USA and their allies because of their twisted interpretation of their religion's teaching. Man,hope those people will finally realized what they are doing are not worth the lives they had sacrified so far and put a stop to all the pandemonium caused. 2) War is Bad Ok, so the heading is kinda duh but i guess it need to be emphasized many times that war should only be waged if a country's sovereignty is been threatened, not when you are 0.01 % sure of finding Weapons of Mass Destructions in the opposing country. 3) Treasure your loved ones You never know when a war might break out ,when you might contact some diseases etc.. So treasure your loved ones and do not take them for granted.
posted by Stormtrooper's Lackey at 11:50 PM
Sunday, July 25, 2004
It has been a depressing year so far. Five of my friends have lost their parent due to various causes since the start of the year. It is sad to see peers of our age going through such pain of seeing their love ones depart. Through time, i hope my friends will grow stronger and hopefully their love ones will depart this world peacefully without any worries. (PS: As i am typing this, CNA is showing a special on Mr Heng the hero of the Nicholl Highway accident. It's real sad to see how his eldest son and wife missed him, recollect the fond memories they have together. Im sure my friends are feeling the same too....)
posted by Stormtrooper's Lackey at 11:13 PM
Thursday, July 22, 2004
If you know me long enough, you would probably know that im an ardent Newcastle Fan. Yesterday was a particularly uplifting moment for the legions of success deprived toon army.(Newcastle Fans for those who aren't too familiar with their football) Patrick Kluivert signed a three year contract, reportedly worth 67,000 pound per week and was paraded in front of 400 fans in front of St James Park yesterday. After a season of inactivity in the transfer market, the club has managed to bring in James Milner and Patrick Kluivert. With the rumoured impending capture of Nicky Butt and a new right back, we will have a strong enough squad to challenge for some silverware in what is to be Alan Shearer's swansong season. How well the team perform will depends on how Kluivert gels with the other strikers. Will Kluivert be the new messiah or the money grabbing mercenary he is rumoured to be? Only time will tell. It is also interesting to note that now Newcastle have an alleged rapist(Bramble), two racist thugs(Bowyer and Woodgate), a foul mouthed brat(Bellamy), a bling-bling womaniser and his apprentice(Dyer and Jenas) and a brand new rapist cum murderer(Kluivert) joining the crew. How nice. I will end this entry with a quote from Bill Shankly,the legendary Liverpool coach. Those of you who have been supporting a football club through their ups and downs will surely empathized with this quote. 'Some people believe football is a matter of life and death. I'm very disappointed with that attitude. I can assure you it is much, much more important than that.'
posted by Stormtrooper's Lackey at 9:57 PM
Tuesday, July 20, 2004
"The darkest moments of our lives are not to be buried and forgotten, rather they are a memory to be called upon for inspiration to remind us of the unrelenting human spirit and our capacity to overcome the intolerable." Vince Lombardi, legendary coach of Green Bay Packers Stumbled upon this inspirational quote while reading an interview of Jonathon Woodgate. When asked about how was he coping with the now infamous incident of assaulting an Asian student, Woody said he tatooed the above mentioned quote on his back to remind himself about the past and used it as an inspiration to overcome whatever difficulties that might lie ahead of him.
posted by Stormtrooper's Lackey at 10:38 PM
Saturday, July 17, 2004
Before i hand out the inaugural Bonehead award, i would like to thank Joel and Jingsi for the great lunch today. Although we ate too much in the end, the quality time spent together was well worth the feeling of overeating and puking i experienced for the rest of the day. So now i present to you the Bonehead of the week, Marcelo Bielsa the coach of Argentina. http://newpaper.asia1.com.sg/sports/story/0,4136,68018,00.html? If anyone can understand what was he spouting about, please enlighten me.
posted by Stormtrooper's Lackey at 11:15 PM
Friday, July 16, 2004
I would like toTHANKS someone real nice today. Although i do not personally know both of you, but what you guys did really warm my heart. THANKS for being so nice and considerate and leave a can of green tea,albeit an empty one, for me. THANKS for being so thoughtful to leave behind a bottle of Maggi Chilli sauce lest i need some condiments for my sandwiches. THANKS for leaving me a LOGITECH WINGMAN controller behind to accompany me through the lonely nights in hall. THANKS for leaving rough papers,empty cardboxes and load of trashes behind so that i have something to do when i check into my new hostel room. If somehow by a twist of fate that you guys stumbled upon my humble blog, i would like to say a big THANK YOU to both of you, the previous occupants of my new hostel room.
posted by Stormtrooper's Lackey at 10:49 PM
Day 1 after salvaging my PC. So far still no crashes and long may it stay this way. FINALLY i no longer have to go down to SLS, which means no more crappy TV media programmes to endure on the bus. Spent majority of the day watching the World Pool Championship and so far it proved to be a tournament of surprises. The favourites like Yang Chin Shun,Bustamante,Davis,Souqet and the defending champion Hottmann all got booted out. Too bad Earl Strickland isnt among those booted out, his arrogrant and outspoken style of play had long pissed majority of the Pool community off.
posted by Stormtrooper's Lackey at 12:57 AM
Wednesday, July 14, 2004
Someone should enlist the service of Agent Mulder and Scully to investigate why bad things always come hand in hand. To summarise, my graphic card went bonkers. Went SLS on Sunday hoping to repair it but the damn servicing shop was closed on sunday. So me happily visited SLS on Monday to get it fixed. Guess what,they did 30 mins of testing on the card and found nothing wrong with it making poor me looked like a doofus. Turning my attention to my motherboard, me and YC concured that the AGP slot was faulty. YC suggested that i send it for repair since it is still under warranty. After searching every nooks and corners of my house, i couldn't find that damn piece of paper. Must had been eaten by roaches. Cursing my luck, i went to SLS on tuesday AGAIN to buy a new motherboard. Hem and haw for a while before deciding on an ASUS board as Birdie reccomended it and it was the cheapest around. Couldn't believed i actually bought it from Videopro after reading so much flak about it from the HWZone people. I agree with the HWZone peeps as their service sucks. 1)The guy who served me was damn attitude. 2) They didn't even have the decency to stamp my warranty card before hand. YC was kind enough to come over to help me fixed up the new MoBo. We were happily taking apart the old unit when we discovered the PSU was faulty. KNN! I just replaced that PSU less than 2 yrs ago. That means i must go down to SLS once AGAIN.. What rotten luck!Like the previous 3 trips to SLS, it rained while i was there. Went down to business and bought a sturdy looking PSU that comes with a 2 years warranty. YC paid another visit this time round, got everything fixed up swiftly. We booted the PC and waited eargerly for Windows to boot up......which never happens as somehow Windows got corrupted . FUCK! After some troubleshooting by YC, he suggested formatting my hard disk. *Insert expletive of choice* There goes my mp3s,my precious family photos...... Got the PC back up and hopefully this will signals the end of my ordeal. Thks 1) YC for helping me set up the PC 2) Birdie for advice on which Mobo to buy 3) Brother for providing the moolah 4) Siao Kia for accompanying on 2 of the SLS trips
posted by Stormtrooper's Lackey at 5:39 PM
Sunday, July 11, 2004
A few observations made during the past couple of weeks 1) Contary to popular belief, George Bush did revive the ailing USA economy.President Bush single handedly reinvented the print industry by spawning an entirely new genre,Bushwhacking. Authors are making a fortune by mocking at President Bush, and the general public are lapping up the books that they dished out. The last time i counted, there were at least 5 new arrivals at Times Bookshop that were Bushwhacking related. 2) Singaporeans will no longer know how to utilise their limbs to walk in the future. Spore kids fascination with those roller shoes will render their limbs useless in due time and they have to rely on those same pair of shoes to travel to and fro. Curse the manufacturers of roller shoes. 3) Most will probably know that doctors earn big bucks. What most probably do not know is that doctor earn big bucks by doing minimal amount of work. Visited a GP recently after suffering from a bout of gastric flu. Hoping to get some assurance that i wont die from it and will live till the ripe old age of 80, all i got was less than 1 minute of consultation for my(techinically speaking,my dad's) 22 bucks.
posted by Stormtrooper's Lackey at 8:41 PM
Saturday, July 10, 2004
why does one always have the scariest dreams when they are at their most vulnerable?
posted by Stormtrooper's Lackey at 10:01 PM
Friday, July 09, 2004
Just remembered something my BMT coy 2IC mentioned during my stint in Tekong. " If someone hit you on your cheek,do not retaliate,instead turn your other cheek for him to hit. Hopefully one day, your antangonizer will realise his mistakes and repent to be a better man. Retaliation will only result in a vicious cycle of hurting each others." Me paraphrasing my BMT 2IC
posted by Stormtrooper's Lackey at 1:06 AM
Thursday, July 08, 2004
无路用的人 每天我醒来在床上就在发呆 我的脑袋跟天花板一样空白 昨天在干嘛 明天要干嘛 我的灵魂 似乎不在我的身上 唉呀 未接电话那么多 我想 狗屁事也非常多 我希望 这是一场梦 可以让我 轻轻松松忘掉很多 哇勒蛋 怎么可能会是一场梦呢 我很自由 可是没有工作 是一种痛苦的自由 我在惊什么 我在怕什么 也许 自由 是我逃避的借口 谁能够告诉我 我哪里出了错 反省 是多么重要的事情 可是我到最近才慢慢了解 笨蛋 这两个字我常常骂别人 现在 我只会骂我自己 我了解自己吗 不知道 都已经几岁了 还不知道 这几年 用尽所有力气 试着证明我跟别人不一样 懒觉啦 我的白痴自信和白痴骄傲 害了我 女朋友也跑掉 我还怀疑她妈的 她跟别的男人上床 原来问题出在我这里 我没听她说 她心里面的话 我真的好想她 但美梦已不再 我的车 我的电视 我的浴缸 我的零食 我的鞋 我的书桌 我的计算机 我的肥皂 我的灯 我的CD 我的盐巴 我的牙膏 我的笔 我的沙发 我的一切 不属于我 我的钱 我的冷气 我的地板 我的窗户 我的卡 我的衣柜 我的啤酒 我的菜刀 我的床 我的手机 我的吉他 我的印章 我的心 我的灵魂 我的一切 不属于我 度日如年哪 支离破碎的生活 我就像是没灵魂 在街上晃呀晃 像一滩死水 一种绝望的感觉 没有多余的眼泪来可怜自己 喔 没有人陪我 喔 寂寞的街上霓虹灯闪耀 它似乎在笑我 喔喔喔 啊哈哈 无路用的人
posted by Stormtrooper's Lackey at 11:00 AM
Wednesday, July 07, 2004
Time:0048 As i had promised, these are the few moments that stood out during the Euro04 1: Seeing Cassano's jubilation after equalising against Bulgaria turned into anguish as he was informed of the result between the Scandinavian rivals. 2: Barthez being hit in the face in the England match by a shot that took a wicked bounce. 3: Santini's reaction to the above mentioned incident. 4: Zidane's match winning penalty against England,incurring the wrath of punters including yours truly. 5: Chelsea spending 13.2m pound on a bench warmer. 6: Totti's imitation of Merlion. 7: The babes 8: Cristiano Ronaldo amazing body 9: And his tears 10:Dabiza getting a winner medal by warming the bench Goal of tournament: JDT sweet curler against Sweden Team of tournament: Czech Republic Player of tournament: Wayne Rooney
posted by Stormtrooper's Lackey at 12:50 AM
Monday, July 05, 2004
posted by Stormtrooper's Lackey at 1:25 PM
verbal ejaculation
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