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Monday, September 05, 2011
红酒,存放了越久,就越有味道。 好歌,经历了越多,就越有感触。 曾經自己 像浮萍一樣無依 對愛情莫明的恐懼 但是天讓我遇見了妳 我初初見妳 人群中獨自美麗 妳彷彿有一種魔力 那一刻我竟然無法言語 從此為愛受委屈 不能再躲避 於是妳成為我生命中最美的記憶 甜蜜的言語 怎麼說也說不膩 我整個世界已完全被妳佔據 我想我是真的愛妳 我是真的愛妳 我是真的愛妳 我全心全意 等待著妳說願意 也許是我太心急 竟然沒發現妳眼裡的猶豫 只是妳又何必 狠心將一切都抹去 妳絕情飄然遠離 連道別的話也沒有一句 請妳讓我隨妳去 讓我隨妳去 我願陪在妳的身邊 為妳擋風遮雨 讓我隨妳去 讓我隨妳去 我願陪在妳的身旁等妳回心轉意 (1)我是真的愛妳 (2)我想我是真的愛妳 我是真的愛妳 我是真的愛妳
posted by Stormtrooper's Lackey at 9:29 PM
Wednesday, March 03, 2010
First post in about 6 months and spent over 5 minutes trying to remember my log in credentials. This post is specially for you. Happy Birthday Mabel!
posted by Stormtrooper's Lackey at 11:09 PM
Saturday, October 10, 2009
"Jim bought some chocolates and gave half of it to Ken. Ken bought some sweets and gave half of it to Jim. Jim ate 12 sweets and Ken ate 18 chocolates. The ratio of Jim’s sweets to chocolates became 1:7 and the ratio of Ken’s sweets to chocolates became 1:4. How many sweets did Ken buy?"
This blog hasn't reinvent itself into a tuition blog. Anyway with an url like this, and with more than half the hits coming from people googling the word "wanking", I doubt any parents would allow their kids to visit this site. So what is a mathematics question doing here? This question, which even stumped some adults (I initially thought it was a riddle), appeared in the recent PSLE mathematics examination. Needless to say, it riled up the parents and even got some kids suicidal, judging from the opening paragraph of this article. While I understand the need for MOE to maintain the high standard of mathematics proficiency that our country is renowned for, they ought to cut these kids some slack lest they grow up to be depressed and follow the path of our favourite (at least mine) ex beauty queen who had "forgotten" to remove her study notes from her pencil case during one of her term paper. For the record, I solved the question in about 15 minutes using simultaneous equations, which I believe is a concept still abstract to the average P6 kids. ============================================================== Shes yellow. With a blue beehive hairdo. And shes posing for Playboy...Mmmm..cartoon porn, must buy. Simpsons matriarch Marge Simpson is gracing the cover of Playboy magazine, becoming the first cartoon character in the publication's history. Clicky for full article. ============================================================== Am I the only person who is angered about NASA crashing two unmanned spacecrafts into the Moon in a bid to detect water-ice? Firstly, such an act is typical of the American's blatant disregard for other countries culture and belief. It has only been a week since we celebrated Mid Autumn festival, NASA is endangering the lives of Chang'Er and her pet bunny by conducting the crash. I'm somewhat surprised that China has yet to come out to voice their displeasure on this. Besides stoking flames in the Sino-US testy relationship, it may trigger something more troublesome, something along the line of an inter-galactic warfare. Please oh please, I don't want to wake up one day staring at the newspaper headline of "Moon exploratory forces crashed two manned spacecrafts into Earth in a bid to detect blood" Random video of the day 心的距离 from Eason Chan's latest studio offering 《上五楼的快活》 又一遍我忘记了是哪些事件 你言词闪烁原因当然不明显 试着看见让时间倒转回到从前 认真如我有抓不到的边缘 在想象的空间里不断徘回 那画面永远明确 就算是闭上眼也无法否决 我怎么会让自己舍身不断涉险 你怎么会对我的心不断的拒绝 爱失去你的包围 每次退后又错过你的世界一点 我没有办法清醒应付新的对决 你却轻易让我的心委屈到极限 爱有了你却失去了我的一切 衡量你的心直线到我之间 没有跨越的机会
posted by Stormtrooper's Lackey at 9:48 PM
Friday, October 09, 2009
Hope my boss don't read this blog.
posted by Stormtrooper's Lackey at 11:39 PM
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Man...I kicking myself for canceling StarWorld for now David Letterman is a nightly fixture on the cable channel. Now if you can get good old Optimus Prime to be your mouthpiece, what do you want him to say? My heart trumps for Kan Ni Na Bei Chao Chee Bye but my brain votes for this. BOOMZ. ============================================================================ Still on the topic of Miss Singapore scandal, while everyone is occupied with whether Ris Low should represent the nation at the upcoming Miss Universe (or is it Miss World?) competition, does it even occur to anyone that the quality of the contestants are, to put it politely, lackadaisical in the aesthetic department?
posted by Stormtrooper's Lackey at 11:17 PM
Saturday, August 15, 2009
When I first saw this song on MTV when I was still in secondary school I had nothing but scorn for it. Tear jerker of a video, no guitar riffs, no boobs shot, in short - a waste of TV air time. Maybe because it is a 李宗盛 composition, which many say one is able to fully grasp the meaning only after going through the ups and downs of life. Now with age catching up and having thinner hair on the pate, I begin to understand why this song resonated with many broken hearts when it was first released. And yes, my eyes are brimming with tears whenever I hear the chorus. 我以为我会哭 但是我没有 我只是怔怔望着你的脚步 给你我最后的祝福 这何尝不是一种领悟 让我把自己看清楚 虽然那共爱的痛苦 将日日夜夜 在我灵魂最深处 我以为我会报复 但是我没有 当我看到我深爱过的男人 竟然像孩子一样无助 这何尝不是一种领悟 让你把自己看清楚 被爱是奢侈的幸福 可惜你从来不在乎 啊!一段感情就此结束 啊!一颗心眼看要荒芜 我们的爱若是错误 愿你我没有白白受苦 若曾真心真意付出 就应该满足 啊!多么痛的领悟 你曾是我的全部 只是我回首来时路的每一步 都走的好孤独 啊!多么痛的领悟 你曾是我的全部 只愿你挣脱情的枷锁 爱的束缚任意追逐 别再为爱受苦 我以为我会报复 但是我没有 当我看到我深爱过的男人 竟然像孩子一样无助 这何尝不是一种领悟 让你把自己看清楚 被爱是奢侈的幸福 可惜你从来不在乎 啊!一段感情就此结束 啊!一颗心眼看要荒芜 我们的爱若是错误 愿你我没有白白受苦 若曾真心真意付出 就应该满足 啊!多么痛的领悟 你曾是我的全部 只是我回首来时路的每一步 都走的好孤独 啊!多么痛的领悟 你曾是我的全部 只愿你挣脱情的枷锁 爱的束缚任意追逐 啊!多么痛的领悟 你曾是我的全部 只是我回首来时路的每一步 都走的好孤独 啊!多么痛的领悟 你曾是我的全部 只愿你挣脱情的枷锁 爱的束缚任意追逐 别再为爱受苦
posted by Stormtrooper's Lackey at 4:22 PM
Sunday, August 09, 2009
8:21:56 At a Hawker Centre in Bedok Hawker: 先生,你要吃什么 (Sir, what do you want to eat) ? Ah Meng: Herm.. 8:21:57 At an ongoing mahjong game somewhere in the Woodland Ah Beng is just one 九筒 (Nine Circle) away from completing the seemingly impossible 十三么 (Thirteen Tile) hand. Ah Beng: Kin ah, faster discard your tile la.. 8:21:58 Over in Geylang Ah Seng is onto his third durian. Those 3 for 10 dollars kind. Ah Seng: *suckle suckle* 8:21:59 Back in Bedok Ah Meng: Mee pok tak, 辣椒多,不要豆... (Mee pok dry, more chilli, no bean spr...) While somewhere in Woodland One of Ah Beng's mahjong kaki is just about to discard a mahjong tile. MJ Kaki: Jiu To..(Nine Cir...) And Ah Seng is still suckling on his durian seed in Geylang Ah Seng: *suckle suckle* 8:22:00 *chimes chimes* At this moment the entire nation grinds to a halt. Its citizen rising to their feet, right fist clenched and placed over their left chest.. 8:22:01 We, the citizens of Singapore pledge ourselves as one united people, regardless of race, language or religion, to build a democratic society, based on justice and equality, so as to achieve happiness, prosperity and progress for our nation. 8:23:01 Over in Bedok Hawker: 先生先生,你没事吧?是不是鬼上身了啊? (Sir, are you alright? Are you possessed?) Ah Meng: Huh, 你不知道吗?今天National Day, 8:22pm 要讲pledge. (Huh, you didn't know? Today is National Day, we need to recite the pledge at 8:22pm) Hawker: 我不知道,我从中国来的。(I don't know, I'm from China.) Back to the Mahjong game at Woodland Ah Beng: Eh, just now who threw 九筒 (Nine Circle) ah? Who ah? Mahjong Kakis: Got meh? Forgot liao la. We forgot whose turn is it liao also. Restart! While over in Geylang Durian stall customer: Help help! Someone call 995! Someone choked on a durian seed while reciting the pledge just now! ============================================================================ Wishing a Happy National Day to all Singaporeans. If you wish to take part in the pledge moment at 8:22pm, remember to do it under a safe and conducive environment. Majulah Singapura! Random Majula Singapura mutlimedia of the Day ![]() Pride in our world class transport system. Picture from our first local Hokkien version of this year National Day song.
posted by Stormtrooper's Lackey at 12:34 AM
verbal ejaculation
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